Affecting Other - Broadband
Please see following update from our upstream provider:
A dual break between DBN CBD to Westville Node and DBN CBD to IS Umhlanga affecting a Core ring. LA Techs are on site addressing the breaks. Affected nodes:
More updates to follow
Affecting Other - Planned maintenance on the network
Dear Valued Customer
Please note the following maintenance work to be done on the network.
Description: Core Router upgrade.
Affected services: Internet and VOIP
Start time: 23/10/2021 - 05:00
End Time: 23/10/2021 - 07:00
For any inquiries please contact us on: or 0869990560
Best Regards
Team Go Connect
Affecting Other - Zulwini Customers - Slow and intermittent connection
Dear Valued Customer,
Technician repaired the fiber and restored services.
Please contact us should you experience any other issues.
Go Connect Team
Dear Valued Customer,
Our upstream provider is experiencing a network issue on their backend.
You may notice slow and intermittent connection.
Engineers are investigating, we apologize for the inconvenience.
More feedback will follow.
Go Connect Support
Affecting Server - WHM cPanel Server
Dear Valued Clients,
Facebook technicians made a change on their routers which brought down connectivity between their data center.
Their engineers worked on the problem and resolved the problem.
Go Connect Team
Dear Valued Clients,
There's an outage affecting social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.
The outage is on Facebook infrastructure, we do not have an estimated time of repair or information related to restoration at this time.
We will keep you updated once we receive feedback.
Go Connect Team
Affecting Other - Fibre Network KZN
Dear Valued Client,
Subject: 2020/09/09 - CT - GoConnect - Service Affecting Planned Work Notification | GOCONNECT 57K0002013 (Cumberland) | KZN - 2020/09/26
In light of the planned work notification below.
Installing a 1m manhole and a Fist joint to accommodate capacity
Start Date:
26 September 2020
Start Time
End Date:
26 September 2020
End Time:
Work Duration: 9 HRS
Down time: 9 HRS
Services affected:
GO CONNECT 57K0002013 (Cumberland)
Affecting Other - FTTH
Subject: 2020/07/07 - CT - GoConnect - Emergency Planned Work Notification | PLNW_0129_( LAFX-NEWTELCO-JHB-GAU) | GP - 2020/07/08
In light of the planned work notification below.
Please note LA has to conduct an emergency maintenance window for LAL2-NEWTELCO-JHB-GAU-01 tomorrow .
We are going to upgrade the ciena at the POP for additional capacity.
Start Date:
08 JULY 2020
Start Time
End Date:
08 JULY 2020
End Time:
Work Duration: 30 Minutes
Down time: 5 - 10 Minutes
Services affected:
All FTTh links feeding from Newtelco Node
Affecting Other - Broadband Network
Outage in KZN
Currently experiencing outage in KZN due issue on our long haul fibre between KZN and Gauteng, issue has been escalated to upstream provider
*Update - Our upstream provider has managed to resolve and repair issue. We will update once a Root Cause Analysis is received
Affecting Other - Voice Network
Please note the Telkom network is currently experiencing issues with Sharecall services, impacting calls to certain 0800 /0860 destination numbers.
It is currently being investigated by their senior technical engineers.
Affecting Other - VoIP Network
Telkom are currently experiencing a failure within their network which results in failed calls from the telkom network to the Go Connect network. No ETR has been provided yet by Telkom
Affecting Other - Fibre Break
Fibre break at Carlswald Manor and Katara, engineers are investigating
Please note that LA techs have located the fault and found that the cable is kinked.
LA techs won't be able to anything until the water subsides and it's currently raining in the area.
Will advise once the techs proceed to fix the cable.
Affecting Other - Fibre
Fibre break in Witfield, Link Africa is attending to it
Affecting Other - Fibre Break
Fibre break in Pineslopes affecting all clients in the Pineslopes area. Link Africa are aware and are en-route to repair the break
Affecting Other - Fibre Network
Fibre down in Katara and Carlswald Manor, Link Africa have been notified. We will post back with an ETR once received
Affecting Other - Network
We are aware of the Social Media platform issues affecting Gauteng Customers. We will be doing a temporary fix this evening (15th July 2019) and implementing the long term fix tomorrow evening (16th July 2019). We will be installing new equipment.
All regions outside of Gauteng are unaffected.
We apologise for the inconvenience.
Affecting Other - Network Maintenance
Good Day,
We will unfortunately need to do unplanned emergency maintenance this evening in Teraco Durban beginning at 8pm. The maintenance should not last longer than an hour and there will be intermittent connectivity during that period.
Please note the Gauteng and Western Cape regions will be unaffected and will continue to operate as per normal.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Go Connect
Please note we are aware of an authentication issue affecting our customers and have escalated it to a network specialist in the Go Connect team. We will inform you of any updates regarding this issue.
Affecting Other - Fibre
We currently have a fibre outage at Carlsworld & Katara. Link Africa are aware of it and are currently attending to it
Affecting Other - Fibre Break
We currently experiencing a fibre break in Morningside (Gauteng) that affects Pineslopes Estate. We are aware of it and engineers have been dispatched to repair the break. No ETR at this stage.
Affecting Other - Wireless Network
Planned work to do maintenance on tower after recent winds
Affecting Other - Anderbolt Tower
Anderbolt tower is currently down, we are investigating cause of outage. No ETR at this stage
Affecting Other - Fibre Network - Pineslopes Estate
In light of the attached emergency planned work notification.
Remake 2 joints
Work Duration: 9 Hours
Affecting Other - Broadband
Fibre Break on Durban Network affecting broadband services